加拿大埃蒙顿流浪汉Ryan自编钢琴曲The Beginning (附下载连接
Ryran·Tomson – The beginning(加拿大流浪者的钢琴曲)Ryan是加拿大埃蒙顿的流浪汉,他在街头已经流浪了30年。他平时在丘吉尔广场(Churchill Square)公共钢琴弹琴。在基督教寄养家庭中长大的他结过婚有一个女儿;不幸地在女儿9岁时,她和母亲在一起车祸中丧命。此后Ryan觉得他的生命中已经了无依恋所以决定流浪街头。他说弹钢琴是他通过到音乐店听了自学的,耶稣和音乐是支撑他向前走的精神支柱。
他说这首他自己写的曲子叫“开始” (The Beginning)
Ryan played a song he said he wrote called “The Beginning” and then he continued on to play four or five more songs, according to Polard.
“A few other people showed up to watch and they were all tearing up. It was a beautiful moment,” Polard said.
Ryan later said that he was raised in a foster home before being adopted by a loving Christian family. He later married and had a daughter, but when his daughter was 9 years old, she and her mother died in a car crash. After feeling like he didn’t have anyone left in life, he chose to live on the streets.
Calling himself a survivor, Ryan says that his love for Jesus and music keeps him going, and that he is completely self-taught. He learned to play piano by going into music stores.
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